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Deltahub offers a successful recruitment recipe for companies

Deltahub offers a successful recruitment recipe for companies

Deltahub offers a successful recruitment scheme for companies, so that they can make the most of their vacancies.

Some people think that the recruitment process is an easy task, but this is not true, as it needs to be well scrutinized and examined in order to reach the best professional cadres.

Wrong hires can cost a company a lot, so job fairs are one of the best ways for companies to get the job done.

Whether you are looking for a job or you are responsible for managing human resources in your company, be sure that we offer you an effective prescription that will help you achieve your goal.

Deltahub offers a successful recruitment recipe for companies

If you are seeking to develop an executive plan for the vacancies in the company and to hire people with competence and ability to achieve the goals of the organization, then you must take deliberate steps in this regard.

It begins with defining the company's requirements, then writing the recruitment advertisement, receiving CVs, filtering them according to the needs and skills of the applicants, and then choosing the best among them.

Effective Recruitment Steps for Companies:

  • Determine the functions that the company needs, and this is determined by the human resources management department in most cases.
  • Examine the company's employment policies in order to achieve a match between supply and demand and determine the appropriate number of vacancies.
  • Taking into account the economic conditions of the company, in order to achieve a balance between the required number and the capabilities of the company.
  • The resource department develops a complete recruitment plan that covers all departments of the company in which employment is required, and determines the stages it will go through.
  • Writing job descriptions for vacancies and specifying the required qualifications, experiences and personal specifications in line with the company's policies and vision.
  • Publish the employment advertisement in different ways, to reach the largest number of segments and thus increase the chance of reaching the desired person.
  • Set a specific date to receive the applicants, and hold meetings and personal interviews, at the company's headquarters, for a specific period determined by the company.
  • Filtering the CVs of the applicants, according to several criteria that differ from company to company according to their requirements, and there is a system called the Applicant Tracking System that helps in that task.
  • Technical or technical companies request a practical part of the applicants, whether written or through the computer or with a specific test, according to the type of field and the nature of the job.
  • A meeting was held between the human resources department and the administration of the department in which appointments are requested with the general administration; To select the best among the applicants.
  • Agree with them to receive work in accordance with the company's time plan, and sign appointment contracts that define the rights and duties of both parties.
  • Keeping the rest of the resumes in mind, to turn to them when the company needs new people without having to do a new advertisement.

The goal of the first recruitment forum in the Delta

  1. Raise awareness of the skills required for the labor market.
  2. Highlighting jobs offered by companies and institutions.
  3. Providing job opportunities for young graduates, training opportunities and scholarships for students.
  4. Supporting the private sector in the fields of engineering, programming and marketing.
  5. Solve the problem of labor shortage in the software and technology business sector.
  6. Updating the database of job seekers and reducing the gap between them and the labor market.