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Private sector company jobs

Private sector company jobs

Jobs for private sector companies, the deltahab platform provides thousands of job opportunities for young graduates in major private sector companies in various fields.

This is done under the supervision of the Organizing Committee of the First Career Forum in the Delta, which consists of members of the Engineers Syndicate in Mansoura, the ITI Foundation, the serv5 company for programming and e-marketing, and the University Center for Professional Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University.

The employment forum aims to prepare the ground for the new generation and create a suitable environment for work and development, taking into account all age groups.

What is the first job forum in the Delta

Definition of the first job forum in the Delta: It is a gathering of a large number of private sector companies from different fields and young graduates in one place, which is the land of the Engineers Syndicate building in Mansoura.

Where the Egyptian government, in agreement with the Engineers Syndicate in Mansoura, the Information Technology Institute, and the serv5 company for programming and e-marketing, organized an employment forum to provide job opportunities for young graduates.

Through the forum, each company begins to present the available jobs and its human resource requirements.

To enable young people to submit a CV in more than one company at the same time.

Providing jobs for private sector companies for young graduates

That is why the forum management is working to create the appropriate environment to help young people advance in the job they are looking for, in agreement with the private sector companies participating in the forum.

Not only that, but also empowering young people to train in major private sector companies and gain experience through exposure to previous experiences.

Creating a work environment for young people through setting up workshops to qualify young people for the labor market.

What are the benefits of the Employment Forum for young people?

The Employment Forum works to solve many problems related to the state that could negatively affect the Egyptian economy and impede progress, including

  • First, reduce the problem of unemployment:

Where unemployment represents a massive crisis in the country due to population inflation, lack of job opportunities in government agencies and the crises the country is going through.

The crisis also constitutes a negative impact on the advancement of the Egyptian economy, and constitutes a great harm to the Egyptian society.

What are the effects of unemployment?

Unemployment causes severe financial hardship and poverty, debt, homelessness, housing stress, family tensions and breakdown, boredom, isolation, crime, and an erosion of confidence and self-esteem.

Unemployment also harms it, increasing divisions according to where people live.

It was found that family stress arising from poverty and unemployment is associated with children's behavioral problems and with adjustment over time.

Unemployment also contributes to the alienation of a large number of adolescents and young adults from their society.

  • Second, the economic crisis:

An economic crisis constitutes a disruption of the normal economic situation or economic equilibrium.

The economic crisis is defined as the return and sudden change in the conditions of the Egyptian economy, and the lack of work for young people from agriculture and industry causes them to create an “economic setback.”

This issue constitutes a great threat to economic growth and leads to a slowdown in the stage of expansion and development.

Youth forums are being held to qualify young people to work in order to solve these problems, build a better future, and advance the nation and progress.

Thousands of vacancies in private sector companies

When the private sector companies participate in the forum, it will bring many benefits to them, and the youth as well, as the employment forum works for the public interest of the country.

What is the benefit of companies from participating in the forum?

When companies participate in the forum, it will provide them with opportunities to promote their commercial activities and open the door for new relationships to expand business with other companies.

Helping government agencies for companies, paving the way for opening investments, and creating an atmosphere of flexibility and facilities for companies.

It is also a great opportunity for jealous and startup companies to promote their business.


Youth Forum.. to employ graduates without prior experience.