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The first youth employment forum in the Delta

The first youth employment forum in the Delta

The first youth employment forum in the Delta

Serv5 is partnering with the Engineers Syndicate in Dakahlia, in addition to the Information Technology Institute, in organizing the first employment forum in Mansoura.
The company offers hundreds of job opportunities in the fields of programming and engineering, in addition to other fields participating in the forum such as sales and marketing.

The forum helps to increase the rapprochement between students and graduates and companies that offer vacancies or training opportunities. To qualify young people to integrate into the labor market.

This forum is the first of its kind in Dakahlia Governorate or the Delta region as a whole, while some universities presented that experience and achieved remarkable success in reducing the gap between university students and the labor market.

Why bother with the first youth employment forum in the Delta?

The forum aims to merge the academic role with the labor market, by bringing together the views of specialists from both sides.

This forum is the first of its kind in the Delta region, which is concerned with bringing together companies and institutions in several fields, especially programming and engineering, with academic bodies of weight and credibility.

Surf Five was concerned with providing a real benefit to university youth and those looking for job opportunities by facilitating the mechanisms of searching for them and collecting them in one place.

The company was keen to cooperate with the Engineers Syndicate in Dakahlia and the Information Technology Institute (ITI), which offers a set of training programs aimed at developing youth capabilities to keep pace with the requirements of the labor market.

The company welcomes the participation of various companies that seek to provide real opportunities for young people in various fields, which help them keep pace with technical development in the field of programming and engineering.

How to benefit from the first employment forum in Mansoura

There are several tips that will help you get the most out of employment forums in general, and from the first employment forum in Mansoura in particular.

Determining your goal of attending the forum is one of the most important steps that help you get the most benefit, whether to get to know the company and the nature of the work or to search for job opportunities and how to apply for them.

Increasing your circle of acquaintances in the field that you seek to enter or work in, and expanding the circle of relationships that will benefit you later, and help you to get acquainted with other fields and keep up with them.

Gather as much information as possible about the institutions and companies participating in the forum, in terms of the nature of their work, their values, the nature of customers, work culture, and weaknesses and strengths.

Communication with the company participating in the forum; To know its working mechanisms and get the most benefit directly from its employees.

Preparing a professional resume, taking into account that it is updated to include your skills, taking into account the explanation of the reasons why the company puts its trust in you and hires you instead of others.

Participation in the various events and workshops that are organized within the Forum is one of the most important mechanisms that will bring you the greatest benefit from attending the Forum.

Obtaining communication mechanisms with the various companies and institutions participating in the forum; To take advantage of a corporate pool that may not be readily available later on.

Experiences of successful recruitment forums

Cairo University Annual Employment Forum

The Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, organizes an annual forum aimed at providing students with entrepreneurial skills and preparing them in a manner commensurate with the requirements of the free labor market.

30 companies and institutions in the field of engineering are participating in this forum, offering employment and training opportunities for students and graduates of the university, in addition to organizing a number of events including seminars and lectures to educate young people about employment requirements and how to develop qualifications.

Employment forums rely on preparing workshops and events that help develop small and micro enterprises, and set work mechanisms and strategies that help them achieve success.