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Job opportunities in Egypt

Job opportunities in Egypt

Job opportunities in Egypt, through the first employment forum in the Delta, the Egyptian government is making every effort to reduce unemployment and provide the largest amount of job opportunities for young people through youth forums.

And shed light on young cadres and create an environment to qualify young people to work in all fields.

The forum also aims to help startups promote their brand and build new investments by strengthening relations with private sector companies and some of them.

Job opportunities for youth in Egypt

Through the first employment forum in the Delta, visions can be exchanged between young people and companies in a realistic way on the site of the forum held in the Engineers Club building in Mansoura.

With the aim of achieving a complete and comprehensive vision shared by the state and Egyptian youth together, through joint dialogue between youth and private sector companies participating in the forum.

Follow modern strategies in solving the problem of unemployment by providing job opportunities

Presenting issues related to youth through the Employment Forum and identifying the needs of young people at work to achieve their future aspirations.

It also proposes advanced solutions and strategies according to the thinking of young people of different cultures and scientific backgrounds.

This was achieved by creating a platform for dialogue, where a number of companies and youth exchange their personal experiences and expertise, and share their experiences through the forum.

As it was coordinated with many private sector companies and the organizing body of the career forum, "The Engineers Syndicate, Information Technology Institute, SERV5 Company for Programming and E-Marketing".

What are the reasons for the inability of young people to find work? And how to solve the crisis?

Unemployment: It is one of the most important factors affecting the inability of young people to find work.

Corporate complexities: Private sector companies impose many complexities on young people, such as experience or higher qualifications.

Population density: The size of the population density in Egypt is greater than the number of job opportunities available in government agencies.

What are the most important ways to solve or reduce the problem of unemployment?

It is known that the youth of the Egyptian people constitute the majority of the population.

The state's interest in education, especially with regard to traditional (non-vocational) education.

However, this is not enough to solve the crisis. Modern strategies and a systematic plan must be followed

Hence came the idea of the state in solutions to solve the unemployment crisis in Egypt, the most important of which is the establishment of the first job forum in the Delta

Through the forum, solutions are reached to enable young people to work.

Submit proposals to develop a clear vision and message to address the issue of youth unemployment among graduates.

Vacancies in Egypt

The idea of ​​the forum was established to employ young people according to studied scientific foundations through a long-term future outlook.

And creating creative solutions that focus on addressing the unemployment of graduates.

This is done by directing the private sector companies in a proper way that suits all graduates in particular to qualify them with the requirements of the labor markets.

Achieving sustainable development

Sustainable is an international socio-economic term, with which the United Nations drew a map of environmental, social and economic development worldwide.

Its first objective is to improve the living conditions of every member of society, to develop the means and methods of production, and to manage them in ways that do not lead to the depletion of the planet's natural resources.

Meeting the needs of the current generation without wasting the rights of future generations

sustainable economic growth.

Providing job opportunities for young people, taking into account different age groups.

sustainable social development.

Sustainable protection of the environment and natural resources.

Private sector companies benefit

  • Get the best skills appropriate to the company's culture:

The private sector companies participating in the forum benefit by hiring young people and obtaining the best skills that are appropriate to the company's culture and values through the forum.

  • Easily view the CV of young people:

Through the Employment Forum, the Human Resources Department can view millions of CVs and select the best young candidates with ease and speed.

  • Better marketing for organizations and companies:

The Employment Forum helps in enhancing the presence of companies, promoting brands, and learning about the company's values, culture and fields, through the forum.


  • Creating the right environment for companies to create investments:

The appropriate environment is created for companies to establish investments by creating an interactive platform for dialogue between companies and each other to reach common solutions.


Job opportunities in Egypt.. through the first employment forum in the Delta.