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DeltaHub offers job opportunities for young people

DeltaHub offers job opportunities for young people

How DeltaHub provides employment opportunities for young people, by organizing an employment forum for young people, which is the first of its kind in the Delta region.

Young people face an arduous task to find decent job opportunities, in light of the high rates of unemployment and the increase in temporary or unorganized job opportunities.

Many international organizations tended to change their employment trends and policies, with the aim of enhancing youth employment opportunities and increasing their success in achieving themselves in the labor market.

DeltaHub offers job opportunities for young people

DeltaHub aims to solve the unemployment crisis by developing unique training programs to encourage youth employment and enhance their skills to join the labor market.

The forum is organized under the auspices of the Information Technology Institute (ITI), Serv5 Company, in addition to the Engineers Syndicate in Dakahlia and the Delta Entrepreneurship Association.

The forum prioritizes providing job opportunities for young people in the field of programming, engineering and computers, by opening the way for a large number of the most important and oldest companies to participate in the forum.

The forum aims to provide 1,500 job opportunities in various specializations that are very popular in the local and global labor market.

University students will find training scholarships offered by the most important institutions in the fields of engineering and programming, in addition to opportunities to form personal relationships with those interested in the same field.

How does your company benefit from attending the first employment forum in the Delta?

Private sector companies can benefit from attending the first employment forum, which is scheduled to be held on March 4, at the Engineers Syndicate Club in Talkha.

Your company can get the best young professional cadres, by looking at their resumes that will be presented at the forum.

Your human resources department can learn about the work mechanisms of other companies, exchange experiences, and hold professional forums.

The forum will help you implement the company's plan to contribute socially to solving unemployment crises and support youth in the Delta region in particular.

The forum is a free professional marketing mechanism; It helps the company to strengthen its presence in the labor market among competitors.

The advantage of providing the appropriate environment for investments and partnerships between companies and each other cannot be overlooked, through the preparation of an interactive dialogue platform between representatives of companies.

You can participate in the forum by registering through the official website of the forum