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Supporting companies to encourage youth employment

Supporting companies to encourage youth employment

Supporting companies to encourage youth employment, through the first integrated employment event sponsored by the Engineers Syndicate in Dakahlia, the Information Technology Institute (Mansoura branch), Surf Five Company, the Delta Association for Entrepreneurship and Information Technology, the University Center for Professional Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University.

The objectives of the first employment forum in the Delta

The first employment forum in the Delta aims to achieve the greatest benefit for the owners of private sector companies and the youth participating in the forum. It also aims to:

  • Acting as a link between companies and professional cadres.
  • Creating new job opportunities for graduates.
  • Create training opportunities for students
  • Qualifying students for the labor market.
  • Support for those wishing to obtain a Career shift.

The reader now has many questions about the employment forum, including: What is the employment forum? What are the objectives of the forum? What is the date for attending the event? What is the meeting place? What is the way to join the forum? What are the grants that the forum will offer to joint private sector companies?

First, what is the first employment forum in the Delta?

The state is making every effort to achieve development and the advancement of the Egyptian economy and to provide livelihoods for young people and development by eliminating the problem of unemployment, by adopting a new approach, which is the establishment of youth forums to employ young people and help entrepreneurs, startups, and others.

Therefore, in agreement with the responsible authorities of the state, a conference will be established that brings together youth and companies and aims to open the way for youth and create job opportunities from a new standpoint to empower young men and women, eliminate unemployment and achieve sustainable development.

There are many grants for companies participating in the forum, and we will talk about them in detail through the following paragraphs.

What are the objectives of the first employment forum in the Delta?

  • Providing a work environment for young people to prepare young people for the labor market.
  • Providing training opportunities to work in all fields, especially programming, engineering and technology.
  • Providing a thousand suitable job opportunities with satisfactory salaries.
  • Provide a program to support private sector companies.
  • Reducing the problem of unemployment by providing work solutions.

What are the grants that the forum will offer to joint private sector companies?

The companies participating in the forum benefit from the private sector companies support program, which stipulates:

Opening the door for new investments by getting to know the companies participating in the forum and contacting companies in the same field as you or that work in different fields, and reaching new project ideas or creating joint cooperation and common interests through the exchange of ideas and opinions.

Also, get to know state officials and decision makers, and enable companies to use flexible means and work facilities to create new projects without any complications.

Publicity and advertisement for the company through the forum and through social media.

What is the meeting place?

The first activity of the first employment forum in the Delta will be launched in the building of the Engineers Syndicate Club in Talkha in Dakahlia Governorate.

Not only that, the forum will be activated many times again in all governorates of Egypt to reach all Egyptian youth, facilitate means of work and provide suitable jobs in a nearby place without the need to travel to distant governorates.

What is the date for attending the event?

Date of attendance: 4/3/2023 The event takes place under the supervision of members of the Engineers Syndicate in Mansoura, the Information Technology Institute, the serv5 company for programming and e-marketing, and the University Center for Professional Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University.

What is the way to join the forum?

Private sector companies in all fields, especially companies specialized in the field of IT

Get a special QR and a workspace with your company logo to register https://bit.ly/3HXoFkV


Supporting companies to encourage youth employment through the first employment forum in the Delta