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Youth Employment Initiative In Egypt

Youth Employment Initiative In Egypt

Youth Employment Initiative In Egypt, the Egyptian government has created the space for young graduates to find jobs through the Employment Initiative.

It is an opportunity for young people to get jobs through the forum and apply to more than one company to get the right job.

What is the Youth Employment Initiative in Egypt?

  • What is the Youth Employment Initiative in Egypt:

The organizing body of the forum, which consists of: members of the Engineers Syndicate in Mansoura, the iti institution, the serv5 company for programming and e-marketing, and the University Center for Professional Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University

In order to deal in particular with young people and companies to employ young people and provide job opportunities, and to conduct training courses to qualify young graduates to work.

Jobs for young graduates through the first employment forum in the Delta

Through the deltahab platform, company owners are allowed to get to know the youth participating in the forum.

Young people are selected in accordance with the requirements of each company.

The proposals of the participating youth are presented to fill the available positions.

Job tips for job seekers through the Forum

  • Develop an action plan:

You must choose the appropriate job carefully through the vacancies provided by the forum companies.

Consider whether you can do most of the required tasks with your choice.

  • Learn how to channel your skills:

Learn how to direct your skills to comply with the requirements of companies, or you can choose training first before starting work to qualify yourself to work in major companies and gain experience.

  • Determine your goals and strengths:

You must first know what you want from the job, and the first answer that will come to your mind may be obtaining an appropriate salary.

Therefore, determining what you want from the job makes you more able to choose the job that is in line with your career and private life goals in general.

  • Diversify your job search:

This issue is easy for the career forum, as it no longer limits the search for jobs to one direction.

While it is possible to apply in more than one company at the same time.

Recruitment of young people from all governorates of Egypt

Participate in the first career forum in the Delta and be unique in defining your career goals and get the job that matches your skills.

Or participate in the training workshops provided by the private sector companies to the youth participating in the forum.

What is the interest of the private sector companies participating in the forum?

First: Increasing awareness of the brand of the companies participating in the forum by announcing it in the forum through banners.

Or giving a speech by speaking on the forum stage, which is a good opportunity to share the company's experiences and exchange experiences.

An opportunity to invest and establish new relationships with other companies, with the cooperation of government agencies to restrict all facilities.