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Deltahub sets solutions to the unemployment crisis in Egypt

Deltahub sets solutions to the unemployment crisis in Egypt

Deltahub sets solutions to the unemployment crisis in Egypt, the unemployment crisis is one of the crises that threaten the economy of countries significantly, especially in the Arab countries, which has increased significantly in recent years, especially after the Korona pandemic.

The International Labor Organization studies showed that youth unemployment rates are expected to rise and the high percentage of youth among poor workers.

The Arab countries witnessed an increase in youth unemployment compared to the rest of the world, as a result of the repercussions of the Korona pandemic and the great economic losses that it left, especially on the youth sector.

By the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, young people face a large number of challenges that hinder the achievement of their aspirations and build a strong entity of their own in the labor market.

The problem of unemployment was a prominent position in national and global development agendas, especially with the number of unemployed youth to 72.6 million in 2011, and then I talked about the increase after it.

The involvement of young people in developing solutions to this problem is one of the most important goals of the first employment forum in Delta, by opening the door for participation in front of young people from the fields of engineering, programming and IT.

How does the employment forum contribute to solving the unemployment crisis?

The forum aims to develop the field of free business for youth and spread the spirit of innovation and globalization among young people and their participation in development effectively.

The forum aims to enrich the areas of education, employ youth, and effective communication that would enhance efforts to create jobs and free work for youth.

A group of the most important institutions and companies that believe in the role of young people in organizing discussion seminars will participate in the forum.

The forum will allow a platform for free participation by influential speakers in the field of programming and engineering and experienced in the free labor market.

The employment forum hosted by the city of Mansoura will contribute to exchanging ideas and setting solutions for innovative development that helps to create job opportunities and employment for young people.

The companies participating in the forum will provide a set of available job opportunities, in addition to providing training grants that are an inspiration for a real change within society.

The first employment forum in the Delta region

The forum will be organized under the auspices of a group of the most ancient institutions in the field of engineering and programming, such as the Syndicate of Engineers in Dakahlia, ITI Institute, SERV5 and Mansoura University.

The forum will be held for one day within the Engineers Syndicate Club in Dakahlia, on March 4, and the attendance will be free.

And whoever wants to participate from companies or young people to attend registration on the official website of the forum through the QR code.