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The first youth employment forum in the Delta

The first youth employment forum in the Delta

The first youth employment forum in the Delta, offering real job opportunities for young people in various fields.

Young people trying to enter the job market are facing many challenges at the moment, especially with high unemployment rates.

Graduates are constantly looking for job opportunities that are commensurate with their qualifications, academic degrees, practical experience, and training courses they have obtained.

Young people are floundering for a while until they reach the best way to get the right job opportunity, and job fairs are the perfect solution.

Employment forums

Employment forums serve as a guide for companies, institutions and public employment service offices in the labor market.

Through it, job seekers are interviewed with representatives of a number of companies that need a number of jobs and open the door for new applicants.

These forums provide many advantages for companies and institutions, the most important of which is building an integrated database, making partnerships with companies and each other and developing human resources management.

It also allows the exchange of a large number of relationships between job seekers and entrepreneurs, by bringing them together in one place and thus achieving the greatest possible benefit for both parties.

The first youth employment forum in the Delta

A number of the most important institutions in Dakahlia organize the youth employment forum, the first of its kind in the Delta region.

They are joined by the Information Technology Institute (ITI) and the University Center for Professional Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, in order to provide the greatest possible benefit to young people.

The forum will be held on the 4th of next March, for a period of one day, at the Engineers Club in Talkha, Mansoura. The forum opens the way for all disciplines to participate in its activities.

Many companies with a long history are involved in participating in community service in addition to their contributions, each in its field.

The first Youth Employment Forum in the Delta offers the service of creating a link between companies and youth in order to help them read the labor market and develop their skills according to the needs of the labor market.

How to benefit from the first youth employment forum in the Delta?

The forum allows you to get acquainted with the nature of the companies and the available fields of work, and thus you can collect sufficient information that will be useful to you in job interviews or in writing your resume.

While attending the forum, you can make a comprehensive table that includes the names of companies, their addresses, means of communication, their field of work, and whether or not a suitable opportunity is available for you.

The forum can be considered as several job interviews in one place, which will not be available to you easily anywhere and at any time.

Attending the forum will not be limited to graduates, but university youth can attend and take advantage of the opportunity to win training grants in any of the fields or disciplines.

It will also provide an opportunity for companies to establish partnerships with other companies and institutions, whether in the same field or in other fields.

Any person or organization can register to attend the first Youth Employment Forum in the Delta through a QR code available on the official website of the forum.