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Jobs for graduates without experience

Jobs for graduates without experience The Youth Forum of the Engineers Syndicate, the Iti Foundation, and the serv5 company, is an annual initiative by government agencies in cooperation with private sector companies, to achieve the lofty goal of providing job opportunities for young graduates.

The first Employment Youth Forum was established in the Delta to become a major platform through which the young generation can contribute to discussions related to the labor market.

And by presenting innovative ideas and solutions on the part of youth and companies, we reach many of the goals of the forum, which we will present to you in the coming lines.

The goals of the Egyptian Youth Employment Forum

The forum is the main platform that helps young people and companies to share ideas and provide opportunities to learn about the activity of companies participating in the forum to build new relationships and open a new scope for work.

Emphasis is placed on young graduates, and by finding job and training opportunities.

The first edition of the forum will be launched in March 2023, in the interest of the young generation.

Provide companies with an opportunity to engage with other companies to explore ways and means to promote youth development and participation.

Male and female participants attend brainstorming sessions and interactive panel discussions for young and inexperienced professionals.

And discussions with members of the private sector companies regarding the projects and investments that can be built through the high-level Egypt Employment Youth Forum.

Meetings are organized and held within the framework of the Forum.

Including side discussions for male and female participants, which aim to continue their interactions on a wide range of topics.

The forums were generally held to address cross-cutting issues in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and in response to Egypt's 2030 Agenda.

Therefore, the Youth Forum is considered a direct contribution to the development of emerging youth to build a better future.

Empowering youth by providing better job opportunities

Creating a sustainable future: One of the objectives of the forum is to reduce the high unemployment rates among youth.

The success of the youth forums in general raised the morale of the youth, which led to the demand of young people to participate in the forums to search for jobs.

The focus is on the role of youth in monitoring, reviewing and implementing the sustainable development plan and in achieving the sustainable development goals.

In this context, the Youth Employment Forum provides a unique opportunity for young people to express opinions and exchange ideas.

As for the companies participating in the forum, it is an opportunity to meet new companies, build close relationships, and open new investment outlets to promote your services and brand.

Think together about what needs to be done to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Also, how to address the challenges that the young generation faces and the contributions they can make to achieving the targets of the Youth Development Goals.

Private sector companies interested in youth affairs are invited to participate in the forum.

In coordination with government agencies to focus on young graduates and provide work opportunities.

Jobs for graduates without experience...

Providing thousands of opportunities to work without experience.

Establishing intensive training workshops to gain experience and qualify for the labor market.

An opportunity for companies to promote their business and build new investments.

Helping companies to benefit from the idea of the new generation.

Providing opportunities for experienced youth to find suitable jobs with remunerative salaries.

Reducing unemployment and achieving Egypt's vision 2030.

Terms of participation in the forum....

The conditions for participation in conferences, seminars and forums vary, according to the system followed by the organizers of the forum

serv5 seeks to help young researchers to facilitate participation in the forum's activities in the easiest way.

Only by using the QR code.

Jobs for graduates without experience, sign up for the sure chance to gain experience..