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How do we provide more good job opportunities for young people?

How do we provide more good job opportunities for young people?

How do we provide more good job opportunities for young people? The spring of hope in the hearts of young people by providing better opportunities for work and participation in society, through the first employment forum in the Delta.

Many young graduates fail to find job solutions to build their future and achieve livelihoods, and they are faced with unemployment problems, and they find themselves marginalized.

This is the goal of the first career forum in the Delta, where members of the Engineers Syndicate in Mansoura, the ITI Foundation, the serv5 company for programming and e-marketing, and the University Center for Professional Development at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, work hard to reach young graduates of both sexes, men and women, and provide thousands of job opportunities In cooperation with the private sector companies participating in the forum.

The group also works to improve the conditions that hinder the utilization of young people's capabilities and potentials, by creating a work environment and providing employment and training opportunities.

Recruitment of young graduates by following a modern employment strategy

When you want to get a job, you go to companies that offer job advertisements, use employment platforms, open your own project, or go abroad to search for work.

The place is no longer confined to this only, but the tendency of young people to follow the modern strategy of employment, which is to participate in youth forums to search for a job, has fallen behind.

Where the forum provides many job opportunities and young people can apply in more than one company, it also provides flexible solutions for people who do not have experience by providing training opportunities in large private sector companies.

What are the problems facing young people at work?

Many young people manage their lives by working in non-permanent jobs to face the high unemployment rate among youth.

Facing many complexities when applying for a job in private sector companies, especially social roles and restrictions in the labor market.

Lack of job opportunities in government agencies and systems.

The mismatch between the needs of the private labor market and the competencies of young people with higher degrees.

Solving work problems faced by young people

Young people face many challenges that have serious personal consequences on their future employment opportunities, and that hinder development in society.

The unemployment crisis also destabilizes the country.

What are the solutions provided by the Career Forum for young people? 

  • Providing sustainable and safe job opportunities for young people, through the Turks in the career forum and subscribing through the deltahab website.
  • Taking care of young people and providing them with work and life knowledge.
  • Providing workshops equipped with the necessary tools to actively participate in practical life.
  • Adopt the cause of youth, and promote dialogue between them and public and private institutions to improve working conditions in general.
  • Removing barriers for young people to enter the labor market.
  • Enhancing capacity through participation and interaction through the functional forum.
  • Achieving a positive impact in society.
  • The forum contributes to facing the serious challenges faced by youth in Egypt.

Marketing and advertising for companies participating in the forum

The forum provides an appropriate environment to promote the brand of joint venture private sector companies.

It is also possible through the forum to build new relationships and investments with companies and some of them.

Talking about the company and sharing experiences and expertise with others.

Getting young people of both sexes to work and easily identifying the competency and requirements of the company in employees.

Get to know the responsible leaders and decision makers in Egypt.


deltahab..Providing more good job opportunities for young people during the first employment forum in the Delta